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memberi informasi salah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memberi informasi salah"
  • memberi:    afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict;
  • memberi informasi:    gen up; gened up; gening up; genned up; keep
  • informasi:    gen; information; intelligence; knowledge;
  • salah:    amiss; culpable; demerit; erroneous; fallacious;
  • memberi informasi:    gen up; gened up; gening up; genned up; keep (somebody) posted
  • selalu memberi informasi:    keep posted; keeping posted; kept posted
  • memberi keterangan salah:    misinform; cheat; mystify; mislead
  • memberi petunjuk salah:    misadvise
  • berfungsi membetuk kalimat tanya atau memberi informasi:    be
  • informasi:    gen; information; intelligence; knowledge; announcement; report; news; entropy; selective information; data; info
  • salah:    amiss; culpable; demerit; erroneous; fallacious; false; faulty; gave a bum steer; giving a bum steer; in error; incorrect; incorrectly; left field; wrong; wrongfully; wrongly; crime; criminal; impro
  • memberi:    afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict; accord; allow; do; grant; lend; ply; render; commit; portion; donate; hold; contribute; put up; volunteer; permit; shell out; farm; let; ease up; provide;
  • salah-salah:    sins; deviation; all sorts of wrongs
  • alir informasi:    flow of information
  • arsitektur informasi:    information architecture
  • You think Radcliffe gave us bad info?
    Apa Radcliffe memberi informasi salah?